N头条>英语词典>domestic help翻译和用法

domestic help

英 [dəˈmestɪk help]

美 [dəˈmestɪk help]

网络  家政助理; 女佣人




  • A broader-based domestic defence sector would help reduce China's reliance on Russia, which has over the past decade supplied it with its most impressive weapons platforms.
  • Based on the frame of SWOT analysis, domestic funds own the advantages of their familiarity with the domestic market and the help of the government, but also have the disadvantages on standard methods on investment and management.
  • Officials say knowing the facts about domestic violence may help save lives and end the cycle of violence.
  • According to a recent report in Nanfang Daily, there are at least two housework service centers in Guangzhou that supply Filipino domestic help to residents.
  • The survey is based on costs of over 160 items ranging from food and clothing, to domestic help, transport and utilities.
  • Assist delivery& acceptance procedures of the property when lodging in and moving out, introduce domestic help and Offer water and electricity maintenance service ( charge for material cost);
  • In the United States, the voices and actions against domestic violence are high and are increasing and have created more ways for women who experience domestic violence to seek help.
  • To offer house lease service for transferable personnel in your company or individuals as well as to offer senior nurse and domestic help for foreigners.
  • The unenviable task of preparing it would inevitably fall on the women folks, assisted by their domestic help for those who could afford them.
  • An invigorated domestic economy will help promote socialism without affecting its essence.